Hey Toronto!
Shoot YOUR Shot
in the longest indoor archery range in the city
-As Seen On-
Valid Drivers License or Purple Identification Card Required before entering.
PUBLIC SPACE: Public Sessions means you and your group may be matched with another group in the same space. Our public session are good if you do not have a large group of your own to play with.
MASKS POLICY: Medical face masks are recommended indoors. We reserve the right to refuse service to people that are offensive or rude to our staff.
SPECTATORS: We do not have a spectator space as our new entrances open right into the court. If you require a space to entertain your guests that are not playing please book our Karaoke Lounge.
CANCELLATION: Here is the link to our cancellation policy
HOUSE-KEEPING: Please pick up any garbage and wipe down anything you have used do not forget any of your personal belongings.
Don't forget any of your belongings and throw any personal garbage away. DO NOT use any other equipment other than what's provided in your booking (i.e. bows, nerf guns, etc) if there is a mess left or we see usage of other equipment, there will be a charge deducted from your security deposit.
ENTRANCE DOOR: Please go to Unit 4 Front Door, Please refer to the poster on the door to find the correct entrance for your booking
CONFIRMATION EMAIL: Please check your spam or junk folder for the confirmation.
Address: 1140 Sheppard Ave West, Suite 4 North York ON CANADA
Phone: (647)992-7362
Business Inquiry: info@archersarena.com
WAIVER: Every person entering our facility needs to sign it individually. Adults can sign on behalf of children. Please visit https://archersarena.com/wvr to sign the Waiver.